School Pranks Again
Don't do any of these pranks and especially don't put detergent in the fountain.
- Hair can hold a surprising amount of pre-sucked chocolate milk-buds.
- Pretend to be inebriated and then just 'snap' out of it, like nothing is going on.
- Get some friends to help you prank your class by dressing as friendly, furry kids characters and start fighting each other in costume.
- Fake poo or fake vomit can be used anywhere, but make sure you coat it with a little vegetable oil to give it a 'fresh' look.
- Dress the school statue up as a cross-dresser or a yobbo. Is a KKK outfit going to cause too much trouble?
- Get some friends to help you prank your class by dressing as friendly, furry kids characters and start fighting each other in costume.
- Fake poo or fake vomit can be used anywhere, but make sure you coat it with a little vegetable oil to give it a 'fresh' look.
- Dress the school statue up as a cross-dresser or a yobbo. Is a KKK outfit going to cause too much trouble?

- Fake blood can be used in pill form to fake dental problems, get out of workshop class, or put some on your fist and playfight with your friends.
- Write your own labels on the sex-ed charts. Include organ benefits if you have time.
- Let off party poppers at assembly. Lame school pranks but I think that YOU'D like it.
- Rig the water fountain to squirt people that use it by sticking a twig in the hole.
- Get some stickers of unicorns or ponys or whatever and put them on the someones chair, sticky-side up.
- Chuck some dry ice in the fountain or in a urinal.
- Make up notices saying that tomorrow is a pupil-free day and convince everyone to stay home.
- Hold a pool party in the schools pool. Tell teachers that it it a private party, if they hassle you.
- Keep pens that don't work, so that you can hand them out to people who ask for a pen.
- Rub a five dollar note in dog poo and leave it on the ground, poo-down. Seeing someone voluntarily putting poo in their own pocket, is worth the five bucks.
- Introduce birds with bulk amounts of bird seed on the ovals, school roof, pool area, etc.
- Take the seat off someones bike at the bike racks.
- Food dye on the hand rails.
- Rearrange the lockers.
- Tell people that their socks are untied, or that they dropped their pocket.
- If someone is following closely behind you in a line, suddenly stop and cause a pile-up.
- Superglue coins to the ground or into the bottom of a bin and let word get around that someone threw a bunch of coins into the bin.
- Use your own lock to put on the school gates after it has been locked and watch everyone line up down the block to get in.
- If you make cupcakes in cooking class, pour salt all over them and hand them out.
- Put a for sale sign out the front of the school.
- Swap the school flag with a pirate flag.
- Switch everyones book covers around or swap worksheets around so that everyone has someone elses work when they get back from lunch.
- If you know a hunter, grab his 'buck lure' and spray it around. (it is female deer pee,, so one of the more smelly school pranks.)
- pour red food colouring inside the drinking fountains filter.
- Fill the school hallway with lawn clippings.
- Glitter is the hardest thing in the world to get rid of completely. Things will still have traces of glitter on them at your ten year highschool reunion.
- Drop a pencil and ask someone to pick it up for you. When they do, pour water on their hair.
- Throw a foam mattress in the pool. This is so heavy to remove.
- Write some other kids name on a wall or engraved into a desk top.
- Switch the boys/girls signs on the toilets the day before school starts back from holidays.
- Put a funnel down the front of your pants and a coin on the bridge of your nose. Drop the coin into the funnel and bet that your friend can't do it. When he puts the coin on his nose, pour water into the funnel.
- Change the spelling of words in the school computers 'auto-correct' from 'the' to 'the #@?!ing' or similar.
- Randomly scream about imaginary things like being able to see invisible killer unicorns in the corner of the class or something
- Superglue the toilet lids down.
- DIY school pranks are making your own smoke-bombs. Just wrap a plastic ping-pong ball in aluminium foil and burn the foil with a lighter.
- Put food colouring in the pool or throw in a handful of lime. (not the citrus, brickies lime)
- Prank your friends and tell them that whatever they do, just act normal like nothings going on and not to look back. Start walking faster, move to a jog and then yell, "RUN!" and bolt.
- Start humming a TV tune during tests.
- Synchronise falling off your chair with friends in class.
- Do this with dropping books from the desk as well.
- Hand out flyers for a free-dress day and keep them in your desk. Offer to hand out assignments for the teacher and switch the papers.
- Spread laundry detergent all over the oval if it looks like rain.
- Set the classroom clock forward and go to lunch early.
- Set off stink bombs in a locker or toilet or throw one in the principals window if he's not in there.
- Spread Nutella or peanut butter on a diaper and put in the cafeteria or in someones bag. Maybe the teachers drawer.
- Turn a backpack inside out, cable-tie the zipper and draw cartoon body parts all over it.
- Glue a two dollar coin into the coin return of a vending machine.
Some more pranks for ya...
These classroom pranks got me suspended from school. Don't do too many at once, it could get you kicked out as well.
When you've got to go, you've got to go. No harm in getting up to a bit of mischief while you're there, though. These school pranks are specifically for when you are in the toilet block.
Laugh till you cry as you trick your friends on the last day of school.
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