Halloween Pranks To Punish Candy-Free Houses
- Ring the doorbell and hide in the bushes before they answer the door.
- Get everyone's jack-o-lantern and put them all together on a single porch in the street.
- Use silly string on anything that does or doesn't move.
- Smashing pumpkins is dumb but I thought I'd mention it.
- Same with egging.
- Dog-poo in a bag and set on fire on the doorstep to be stamped on by the owner.
- Turn off the power at the mains.
- Write on windows with soap. Leave scary or funny prank messages.
- Stage a huge fight on someones lawn. When they come outside, tell them you need a shovel QUICK!

- Stick coffee filters to someones house to appear like polka-dots all over it.
- Throw rolls of toilet paper over houses or trees.
- Water in a bucket with toilet paper in it can be used to make disgusting snow-balls.
- Super-glue someones windscreen wipers to their window.
- Sing Christmas carols outside someones house and when they tell you that it isn't Christmas, argue on their doorstep with another singer that you knew that it was too early.
- Fry a bunch of eggs and coat them with syrup. Stick them on peoples windows.
- Tell people that there is now a lolly tax and to pay up.
- Stand outside someones window. Keep staring at them, even while they look at you. The second that they look away, duck out of sight and disappear.

- Mix up something gooey or sticky and put in peoples mailboxes. Something with eggs, flour, water, honey, jelly, or the like.
- Use fishing line tied to a door-knocker to knock on doors from behind bushes.
- Steal someones door bell button and see how many other houses in the street that it works on. Open it up and turn the little dial to a new number and press it again. (Neighbors have their bells set to a different frequency to eliminate interference with other bells in the area of say, 100m).
- Knock on someones door and before they can give you some lollies, give THEM some.
- Put stickers on everyone's front doors. Use those colored dot stickers, that come in different colors and randomly pick a color to put on a door and let them wonder what they did, to deserve a red sticker when everyone else got a green or yellow one.
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