Christmas Pranks
- Take the baby Jesus from the nativity scene and replace it with Snoopy.
- Make up a really feminine gift basket for a male, using lip-gloss, nail-polish, etc.
- Wrap up a box of coal and tell them that they’ve been naughty. Santa knows if you are good or if you are speeding on your way home from work.
- Put a Christmas song on repeat and act like it isn’t bothering you. When others complain, ask them, “Where’s your Christmas cheer?”
- Wrap a huge box full of rocks and in the bottom, have a note saying, ‘Ooops, wrong box. Your gift is in the red box!’
- Check out this page of only prank gifts.
- Make people believe that the gift they really wanted, was sold out.

- Gift-wrap a really stupid present (like a rock) in a small box and put it in a slightly bigger box. Wrap that box and put it in another, even bigger box. Write different peoples names on each box if you want to tease everyone.
- Recreate an ornament that means a lot to someone and break it. Wrap the original as a present and show the broken ornament.
- Duct tape. Christmas pranks on a roll!
- Put mistletoe everywhere around the house, in the most ridiculous spots. Microwave, letterbox, etc.
- Put a remote control car (switched on) inside a box with air holes in it and warnings all over the box, saying not to put fingers in the holes. Sit back with your hidden remote and scare people that go near the box.

- Wrap presents with huge ribbon, glued in place and tied in an impossible knot.
- Put a couple of cans of peas, beans or anything gooey, in someones stocking for when they stick their hand into it.
- Have someone help to wrap you up inside a box and jump out when the box is cut open. (Try not to head-butt them as you jump out or your Christmas pranks could stop right there.)
- Hide the Christmas tree. Take all of the presents too, except for yours.
- Throw cow-poo on the roof and tell kids that it is reindeer-poop.
- Tie ribbon to a gift and weave the ribbon in and out of the other presents so that they’re all tied together.
- Remove all of the presents that are for one person. Replace them with an IOU for each person that got them a gift.
- Put a rubber spider or snake in a stocking if it looks real enough, or check out these other Christmas pranks, here.
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